| 1. | Indeed , china is a major energy consumer . more importantly , however , china is also a major energy producer 中国是一个能源消费大国,更是一个能源生产大国。 |
| 2. | From the viewpoing of the balance of energy , burning furnace is the biggest of the energy consumers , it consumes a lot of fuel oil - light disel 从热量平衡角度来看,燃烧炉是整个无水氟化氢装置的耗能大户,它消耗大量的燃料油?轻柴油。 |
| 3. | As the world ' s largest energy consumer and importers , the united states and china have enormous stakes in ensuring maximum supply and price stability 作为最大的能源消费国及进口国,美国和中国在确保能源的最大供应和价格稳定方面有很重要的作用。 |
| 4. | The united states and china are the two largest energy consumers in the world and energy security and environment protection are important priorities for both countries 美国和中国是世界上最大的两个能源消费国,两国都把能源安全和环境保护视为重点。 |
| 5. | " to ensure global energy security , it is important to strengthen dialogue and cooperation between energy exporters and consumers and among major energy consumers , " he said 他说: “实现全球能源安全,必须加强能源出口国和消费国之间、能源消费大国之间的对话和合作。 ” |
| 6. | Third , china is the world ' s second - largest energy consumer , but also one of the major producers and exporters of energy . china provided over 90 % of the energy it consumed 第三,中国是世界第二大能源消费大国,也是主要能源生产和出口大国。中国能源自给率一直在90 %以上。 |
| 7. | Participation by china and india in the recent g8 summit in gleneagles is an example of the importance we hold for their growing role as an economic powers and as an energy consumers 他说,这些努力将包括在民用核能源领域与印度合作以及在洁净和可再生能源技术领域与中国合作。 |
| 8. | That task would be made easier if it liberalised energy prices , because energy consumers would quickly learn the real value of what they were buying and behave accordingly 如果它放开能源价格,这项任务还能容易一些,因为能源消费者很快就会懂得自己所购能源的真实价格,并采取相应的做法。 |
| 9. | Two things undermine the hope that the fractious caucasians have finally learned to hang together , to their own benefit and that of western energy consumers 本以为这些桀骜不驯的高加索人为了各自的利益,也为了能源消费者的利益,终于学会了联合一致,但由于两个问题,这个希望正在慢慢破灭。 |
| 10. | China is the world ' s second - largest energy consumer after the united states and under its plan to diversify away from fossil fuels , aims to quadruple its nuclear energy production by 2020 中国是世界上第二大能源进口国家,仅次于美国。中国想摆脱对于传统能源的依赖,计划到2020年将核能源的制造扩大四倍。 |